Any car crash can be harrowing, but a truck accident can be particularly damaging due to the sheer size and force of a large commercial truck. The average semi truck can weigh over 25 times more than a standard passenger vehicle, and a collision between the two can cause devastation. If you or a loved one were injured in a wreck, it is vital to know what to do after a Colorado truck accident. The steps you take following the accident can help ensure a smoother recovery physically, mentally, and financially. Be sure to contact the caring truck accident attorneys at Gerash Steiner Blanton, P.C. They can answer your questions and help you get the compensation you need to recover as fully as possible.
What to Do After a Colorado Truck Accident
You may be shaken up, confused, and frightened in the minutes, hours, and days after an accident. It is normal to be unsure and confused about what to do or how to handle what just happened. A general understanding of a good course of action is one of the best things you can do to help yourself manage the repercussions of a truck accident.
If you are wondering what happens after a Colorado truck accident, read on as we discuss taking six simple steps to further your case and recovery.
Call 911
The first thing you should do if you or someone else is seriously injured immediately following the accident is to call 911 for emergency medical attention. If you are not seriously injured, you must still notify the police so they can help safely clear the scene, complete a police report, interview witnesses, and render non-emergent medical aid.
Seek Medical Care
Just because you may not require immediate emergency medical attention does not mean you can forgo medical care altogether. Even if your injuries do not initially seem severe, you should still seek the assistance of a doctor for any minor or non-life-threatening injuries.
Medical treatment can include:
- Primary care services,
- Orthopedic treatment,
- Surgical care,
- Physical and occupational therapy, and
- Pharmaceutical needs.
After a truck accident, it is common to be in a state of shock, and you may not immediately feel or recognize an injury. As the shock and adrenaline wear off, you may notice you are indeed injured. It is also not uncommon for injuries to manifest as time goes on. Perhaps you initially thought you were just sore or bruised, but over time, you realize you are suffering from a more substantial injury. It is crucial to seek out a doctor to examine any injury thoroughly.
Always keep copies of all medical records and receipts. These records can later prove helpful to your personal injury case, mainly when calculating damages.
Document the Scene
If you can, after a truck accident, document what you can at the scene. One of the best ways to do this is to snap pictures with your phone. But other documentation may include the following:
- Obtaining the other driver’s information (i.e., driver’s license and insurance information);
- Gathering witness information (e.g., name and phone number);
- Looking around to see if there are any potential video surveillance devices; and
- Write down what you can remember before, during, and after the crash.
Sometimes, a truck accident victim cannot document the scene because their injuries are too severe. Don’t worry. Our attorneys are adept at investigating accidents even well after the crash. We will request a copy of the police report, investigate the other driver, contact witnesses, subpoena surveillance, speak with experts, and more. At Gerash Steiner Blanton, we have the resources necessary to investigate the collision thoroughly.
Avoid Social Media
In 2023, when people post almost everything about themselves on social media, you will want to avoid doing just that following a truck accident. Even posts that might otherwise be considered harmless can be damaging when pursuing a claim or lawsuit for damages following an accident. Pictures, phrases, and other content can be used against you by the insurance company or other defendants. It is best to avoid posting anything—especially anything regarding the collision—to social media altogether until the resolution of your case.
Contact Your Insurance Company
It is imperative to report the accident to your insurance company. This is required even if you were not responsible for the wreck. You still must report the injuries and damage to your vehicle to your insurance carrier. They will ask you to provide information surrounding the accident, including what happened and where it occurred. It is best to be honest when speaking with your insurance company. It is never a good idea to lie, exaggerate, or embellish events. Providing accurate and precise information will help your insurance company investigate the at-fault party.
However, don’t speak to the defendant’s insurance company until you consult with your lawyer. Insurance adjusters are skilled at getting you to say things that push blame onto yourself or otherwise absolve them of the responsibility to pay for your losses. Since Colorado is a modified comparative negligence state, they know that the more blame they can place on you, the less they will have to pay. They will also likely try to give you a lowball offer in the hopes that you’ll jump at it quickly to get some money as medical bills are piling up. But once you accept a low offer, you can never go back for more, regardless of how much more medical treatment you need. They are tricky—so contact your lawyer as soon as possible and let them do the negotiating for you.
Colorado Truck Accident Lawyers
Last but certainly not least, you should seek the legal advice of a knowledgeable Colorado truck accident lawyer. Navigating a truck accident claim or lawsuit takes experience, time, and a working understanding of the relevant law. This is best left to a seasoned lawyer. This is especially true in truck accidents, where more than one individual or entity may be liable for your injuries. The more potential defendants involved, the more complex and challenging the case may become. At Gerash Steiner Blanton, P.C., we understand the complexity and intricacies of truck accidents. Let us handle it on your behalf. Contact us through our website or by telephone anytime to schedule a consultation.