| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

How Much Time Do You Get for Domestic Violence in Colorado?

The potential jail time for domestic violence in Colorado can range from just a few months up to 32 years depending on the severity. The exact sentencing you could face for domestic violence will vary depending on many factors, including charges alongside domestic violence, criminal history, and severity of domestic violence. Domestic violence charges are no laughing matter. Colorado...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Domestic Violence

What Happens When You Get Charged with Domestic Violence in CO?

What Happens When You Get Charged with Domestic Violence in CO? Upon being charged with domestic violence in Colorado, severe consequences can ensue, which can range from probation to incarceration, with potential firearm restrictions and restraining orders. Domestic violence convictions result in lasting criminal records, affecting employment prospects and personal freedoms. Defense strategies may involve challenging allegations, demonstrating lack...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

Defenses for Domestic Violence Charges

Facing a domestic violence charge is difficult, and you might have many questions. One question most people ponder when faced with the potentially life-altering consequences of a domestic violence conviction is: What can I do to get out of it? It’s perfectly natural to want to learn more about the best defenses used for domestic violence charges. Our criminal...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

What Happens at a Preliminary Hearing for Domestic Violence in Colorado?

During a domestic violence preliminary hearing, the prosecution presents evidence, such as witness testimony, to establish whether there is probable cause to proceed to trial. The defense may challenge the prosecution’s case through cross-examination but typically does not present witnesses at this stage. Domestic violence cases can be some of the most difficult criminal cases, both emotionally and in...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Financial Dependency & Domestic Violence

Economic Abuse Is a Form of Domestic Violence 26 million Americans lost their jobs in the first five weeks of the 2020 lockdown. Although the unemployment rate has decreased since then, that does not mean the US economy is up and running again. Millions of people remain unemployed or are working part-time until things go back to normal. These...

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