| Read Time: 5 minutes | Personal Injury

6 Best Personal Injury Attorneys in Denver

Individuals in Colorado often search for the best Denver personal injury attorneys online. While some directories thoroughly vet the lawyers they list, others rank them based on payments, making their rankings less reliable. At Gerash Steiner Blanton, P.C., we prioritize protecting individuals’ legal rights. It’s disheartening to see people who have suffered severe injuries settle for less than their...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accident

Average Payout for a T-Bone Accident in Colorado

T-bone accidents, also known as side-impact collisions, can cause life-altering injuries and significant financial burdens. If you’re wondering about the average payout for a T-bone accident, this guide is here to provide clarity. Understanding what affects these payouts and how to maximize your compensation is crucial to securing the justice and financial recovery you deserve. Unexpected Costs from a...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Domestic Violence

How Much Time Do You Get for Domestic Violence in Colorado?

The potential jail time for domestic violence in Colorado can range from just a few months up to 32 years depending on the severity. The exact sentencing you could face for domestic violence will vary depending on many factors, including charges alongside domestic violence, criminal history, and severity of domestic violence. Domestic violence charges are no laughing matter. Colorado...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accident

Average Payout for a Rear-End Accident in Colorado

Rear-end collisions are common occurrences on Colorado roads, and many individuals involved are left wondering about the typical payout they might expect. The average payout for a rear-end collision can vary significantly depending on case specifics. While minor cases may settle for thousands, more severe injuries can yield hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation. The payout trends for...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

What Does 3rd-Degree Assault Mean In Colorado?

The State of Colorado characterizes the crime of assault based on the severity of the incident. The law uses the term “degree” to differentiate one level of assault from another. However, many people get confused over the difference between the degrees of assault in Colorado. As a result, a common question is, What does 3rd-degree assault mean in Colorado? ...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

Charged for Possessing Drugs That Aren’t Yours?

Can I be Charged for Possessing Drugs That Aren’t Mine in Colorado Prove the drugs were not yours by identifying another owner. If your roommate admits ownership, argue that you had no knowledge or control over them. Legal representation is critical to building a defense and challenging the prosecution’s claims of awareness and control. Being charged with drug possession,...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

How Far Do Background Checks Go in Colorado?

Whether you have a long history of run-ins with the law or a mere blemish on your record from your college days, it probably feels like an elephant on your shoulders. If you have ever been arrested or charged with a criminal offense, you likely cringe and cross your fingers whenever you apply for a job, loan, or academic...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Personal Injury

How Much Compensation Can You Get for a Burn Injury?

Being burned in an accident is a very painful and traumatic experience. On top of the physical and emotional trauma, you might be facing expensive medical bills and lost wages. If your burn injury happened because of someone else’s negligence or a faulty product, you might be wondering: How much compensation will I get for a burn? This blog...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Car Accident

How Many Accidents Can a CDL Driver Have?

Drivers with commercial licenses (CDL) are held to a higher standard than regular drivers. This higher standard impacts a victim’s liability claim when a commercial driver injures them. What happens if a CDL driver gets into an accident? How many accidents can a CDL driver have before they face suspension or other consequences? The answer is not always straightforward....

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Criminal Defense

What Does Possession is 9/10ths of the Law Mean?

You will often hear the phrase, “possession is 9/10ths of the law,” meaning that a person with actual possession of a piece of property holds a stronger legal claim to it than anyone else. In most cases, people use the phrase to describe ownership rights in a piece of real or personal property. But if you are charged with...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Sex Crimes

Colorado Age of Consent Laws

Age of consent laws exist to protect children. A child who allegedly violates these laws potentially faces criminal prosecution. However, the Colorado age of consent laws contain exemptions that could protect younger people from facing the devastating consequences of a sexual assault charge.  You will need an aggressive defense lawyer if you or your child faces allegations of sexual...

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