| Read Time: 3 minutes | Criminal Defense

3 Types of Prosecutorial Misconduct You Need to Know

How Does Prosecutorial Misconduct Affect Cases? Prosecutors are government lawyers who handle investigations and/or prosecutions of criminal offenses. Their goal is to protect the public and adhere to their government duties by working to put criminals behind bars. In Berger v. United States, 1953, the court held that the prosecutor “is in a peculiar and very definite sense the servant...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Assault

What Is the Difference Between Assault & Aggravated Assault?

Is Assault a Felony in Colorado? Unlike many other states, Colorado divides assault into 3 degrees, with first and second-degree assault being known as “aggravated assault” and third-degree assault being the same as simple assault. As such, our lawyers often get asked, “Is assault a felony in Colorado?” The answer: It depends. First and second-degree assaults are felonies, while...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Criminal Defense

National Surge in Background Checks & Gun Sales

Background Checks for Guns Increased by 40%, FBI Reports Global pandemic. School and business closures. Unstable economy. Nationwide protests. Police brutality. The desire for self-protection. These are some leading factors that may have resulted in the increase in gun sales in 2020. The FBI reported performing over 4.3 million firearm background checks in January 2021 alone, compared to 2.7...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

What Is Voter Fraud?

Legal Voting in the 2020 Presidential Election The presidential election is approaching, so you must prepare to exercise your voting rights properly. If you read or watch the news, you may have heard a lot of talk about voter fraud posing a threat to this year’s election. More specifically, President Trump has passionately denounced mail-in voting over the last...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Criminal Defense

5 Common Crimes Committed on Halloween

Beware: Illicit Activities Are Frequent on Halloween Night Halloween is a beloved holiday for many Americans, allowing them to dress-up, trick-or-treat and party. However, like with all good things, your Halloween celebration can quickly come to an end. Crimes are often committed at a higher rate on holidays like New Year’s Eve, Labor Day and Halloween. As Halloween quickly...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Accused of Being a ‘Porch Pirate’ This Holiday Season?

Accused of Being Naughty this Year? Don’t Get Stuck with Coal. Online shopping is the prime method of buying gifts this holiday season and it has become very popular in the past years since it is an easy way to purchase gifts from the comfort of one’s own home. But the efficiency and convenience of online shopping carry risks:...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Minor Drug Possession Is No Longer a Felony in CO

Reforming Minor Drug Possession Charges in Colorado Colorado is paving the way for criminal justice reform, as it recently enacted HB19-1263 which makes minor drug possession a felony rather than a misdemeanor. As criminal justice reform becomes increasingly important to various lawmakers, Colorado is setting a great example of how to implement consequences for minor drug possession without permanently destroying defendants’...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

What is Attorney-Client Privilege

Some people are afraid to hire legal representation, and others are afraid to tell their attorneys the truth. These people probably don’t know how attorney-client privilege protects their rights and ensures they get the best legal representation possible. But what is attorney-client privilege? Privilege Legal privilege is a concept that allows clients to have an open dialogue with their...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Don’t Discuss Your Case on Social Media

Have you ever seen someone post a picture of their car accident on social media? Or maybe a vague, long-form post explaining how they didn’t do anything wrong? You may not realize that posting about a case on social media marks the entire account as evidence. That’s just one reason why you should never discuss your case on social...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Defense

Why You Can’t Rely on an Appointed Attorney

Since 1963, all Americans have enjoyed the right to a state-appointed attorney, regardless of the charges against them. The right to a public defender has become synonymous with arrests and Miranda Rights. But relying on a public defender probably isn’t your best option. In fact, we have some very good reasons why you can’t rely on an appointed attorney....

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