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how to drive safe in the winter months

Following Safe Driving Laws

Not only are there safety practices to follow during snowy months in Colorado, there are laws that apply to our vehicles during winter months, as well. Law enforcement officials have created laws to follow with regard to tires that help protect you and other drivers on the road.

  • The Active Traction Law (code 15) requires motorists to have snow tires, mud, and snow rated tires, or four-wheel drive during specified snow conditions. The alternative to these specific tire ratings or four-wheel drive, is the options for drivers to install chains or an alternative traction device.
  • The Passenger Vehicle Chain Law (Code 16) is the last option for tire modification for passenger vehicles before roads are closed. This is usually applicable during severe weather storms and it requires ALL vehicle on the roadways to have chains on the tires or have alternative traction devices.

Even with the proper safety measures in place, car accidents can still happen. Our team of Denver car accident attorneys at Gerash Steiner & Blanton, P.C. can help you get back on the road after you’ve been in an accident.

We can help you recover damages incurred in your accident, medical expenses, and compensation for lost wages because of your accident.

Ways to Stay Safe on the Road

Driving on snowy, icy, or wet roads is less predictable and more dangerous than when roads are dry and visibility is clear. To prevent accidents and keep yourself and passengers safe, there are ways to get your vehicle winter-weather ready.

Take extra precaution by doing the following:

  • Properly inflate tires before heading out on the road
  • Make sure that your brakes are fully functional and brake pads are adequate
  • Be sure to keep chains in your vehicle for when the roads become too dangerous
  • Accelerate slowly from stops
  • Don’t tailgate; be sure to leave room for braking on slick roads

Denver Car Accident Attorneys

If you’ve been in an accident and are dealing with medical bills, car insurance agencies, and the at-fault party, you may be unsure of how to proceed and need legal guidance.

When you need the legal help of a qualified, knowledgeable Denver car accident attorney, our team is here for you. We understand that you may be receiving low-ball offers for compensation and that you need a strong lawyer in your corner.

Our Denver car accident attorneys at Gerash Steiner & Blanton, P.C. can take the stress of the legal process off of your shoulders so that you can rest assured you will get the compensation that you deserve.

Contact our team to discuss your case at (303) 732-5048.

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At Gerash Steiner Blanton P.C., we pride ourselves on providing exceptional legal services to every one of our clients. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to representing individuals and businesses in a wide range of legal matters. We understand that every case is unique and will always provide personalized solutions to meet your immediate legal needs.

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